TYPE OF CLERKSHIP: Elective. Guest speakers from national and international NGOs. More information available on course website: web.stanford.edu/class/inde231b. MED 237. INDE 228. PREREQUISITES: Completion of a full Medicine clerkship. MED 272B. Enrollment is limited to students with approved projects. Medical Mandarin III: Beginning. Students participating in classroom and online instruction only register for 2 units. This clerkship is closed to registration unless given prior approval by Clerkship Coordinator. OTHER FACULTY: Staff. Each organ-specific integrated course includes a review of the anatomy and related histology, normal function of that organ system, how the organ system is affected by and responds to disease including infection, and how diseases of that organ system are treated (therapeutics). Students participate in four half-day ambulatory care cardiology clinics, perform at least 3-5 new consultations per week, with each consultation being presented to an attending physician and having a consultation note written. Consent required for enrollment, to apply visit: http://bit.ly/MED275B2020. PERIODS AVAILABLE: 1-16, full time for 3 weeks, 2 students per period, available by arrangement only. Preference to medical and bioengineering graduate students with first preference given to Bioengineering Scholarly Concentration medical students. MED 53Q. PREREQUISITES: ANES 306A or MED 300A. VISITING: Open to visitors. DESCRIPTION: Involves participation in inpatient consultations and outpatient clinics for 3 weeks. ©Copyright Open only to accepted MSTP students. CLERKSHIP COORDINATOR: Nancy D'Amico, 650-721-1640, 1215 Welch Road, Mod B, Space #37, MC 5418. 3 students per period. REPORTING INSTRUCTIONS: Where: PAVAMC, MSICU, 3rd Floor; Time: 8:00 am. MED 330C. The excitement around social innovation and entrepreneurship has spawned numerous startups focused on tackling world problems, particularly in the fields of education and health. Measurement for Health Policy. PERIODS AVAILABLE: 1-16, full-time for 3 weeks, 1 student per period. This. Please contact Course Director, Lars Osterberg MD, MPH for an application form and approval for enrollment. PREREQUISITES: Medicine 300A. A Master's of Public Policy (M.P.P.) Advances in diagnostic imaging, rapid bedside testing and evidence based clinical trials have allowed us to deliver coordinated complex care to our patients with ample opportunities for teaching and learning. Same as: IMMUNOL 258. LOCATION: SUMC. Open to graduate, medical, and undergraduate students. REPORTING INSTRUCTIONS: Where: 780 Welch Road, Room CJ280K; Time: 8:30 am. Videotaped lecture series on the entire field of nephrology are also available. INDE 207B. 1 Unit. History of Medicine Online. VISITING: Open to visitors. Students will attend outpatient clinics at the Palo Alto Veterans Administration Medical Center, the Stanford affiliated Positive Care Clinic, and the San Mateo County Health System. Contact. Exploration of The Health Care System : Clinical Partnership Development. Advancements of machine learning and AI into all areas of medicine are now a reality and they hold the potential to transform healthcare and open up a world of incredible promise for everyone. Topics may vary annually. OTHER FACULTY: J. Gupta, J. Kim, S. Narasimhan, A. Polesky, M. Ray, H. Sahni, J. Cooper. is a one-year non-professional degree. Teams will receive direct mentorship from Stanford Medicine faculty, health care leaders, and experienced student leads, with projects carefully defined to optimize high-impact experiential learning and leadership development. a case or literature review) to be presented at the end of the rotation. The Mindfulness Program in the Stanford Center for Integrative Medicine Clinic is designed to teach mind and body awareness techniques for coping with physical or psychological symptoms from stress and stress-related illnesses. Internal Medicine Core Clerkship. MED 164. LEARN MORE ABOUT US. Patient cases springboard discussion on microbiomes, diarrhea, hepatitis, STIs, helminths, zoonoses. Israel combines history, culture, politics, and religion in unparalleled ways that influence not only the human and planetary health innovation ecosystem, but all aspects of life. The teaching team and teaching assistants will work closely with students on research projects in this area. This quarter also includes a professionalism series to prepare students for entry into clinical practice. 1 Unit. 1 Unit. Why I chose Stanford PM+R: I chose PM&R as my interests lie in neuromusculoskeletal injuries and maximizing functionality. Students enrolling for 3 units are paired with a TRAM translational research project and work as a team with TRAM trainees and faculty on a weekly basis, as arranged by the instructor, and present a final project update at the end of the quarter. Course will cover various topics in health economics, from theoretical and empirical perspectives. OTHER FACULTY: A. Chary, M. Holodniy, J. Parsonnet, C. Renault, U. Singh, D. Winslow. Contact Olivia Paige with any questions: olivia.paige@stanford.edu. Introduction to Bioengineering Research. PREREQUISITES: None. 2Q261; Time: 8:15 am on Monday. 2-3 Units. At the end of this quarter, students participate in a performance-based assessment of their medical interview and physical examination skills. Focus is on structure, function, disease, and therapeutics of the respiratory system and the cardiovascular system. Curricular prerequisites (if applicable): First year graduate Microeconomics and Econometrics sequences (or equivalent). These frameworks build from general business and economic models used successfully in other industries. PERIODS AVAILABLE: 1-16, full-time for 3 weeks. MED 325A. Take a break in your day to re-center and focus on your emotional health… LEARN MORE . INDE 208B. Specific classes: Mindfulness, Compassion Stanford Ballroom Dance Classes Writer's Workshops Introduction to Lifestyle Medicine (ORTHO 120) Pursuit of Health and Happiness (PEDS 206) Forgive for Good (Center for Integrative Medicine) Medicine and Horsemanship (FAMMED 252) For medical students only: 1-2 units. Proposed seminar topics are attached and include How Drugs Are Discovered and Developed, Case Studies of the various challenges in Drug Development, Cardiac Safety, Moving a Compound through the Drug Development Process, and the FDA Advisory Committee Process. Repeatable for credit; more than one-quarter of commitment expected. Scientific and Mythological Approaches to Meaning. MED 295. Please note: Visiting students must obtain approval from Angie Aberia prior to applying for this clerkship. REPORTING INSTRUCTIONS: Where: Students will be notified a week prior to the first day; Time: TBA. Final presentations in winter and spring are made to a panel of prominent health technology experts and/or investors. 2-3 Units. They also participate in the management of patients with end-stage renal disease. Same as: HRP 224, PUBLPOL 224. The training and teaching opportunities are rich because of the case mix (medical, surgical, ICU) and patient populations that are seen at the Palo Alto VA. INDE 207D. INDE 206. 1 Unit. INDE 201. LOCATION: PAVAMC. INDE 290C. MED 292. Interpersonal Communication in Health Care. OTHER FACULTY: Staff. Students must apply to and be admitted by the Stanford Graduate School of Business, at the time of their admission to the medical school or after beginning their M.D. Global Health: Beyond Diseases and International Organizations. Same as: PSYC 283. 3-5 Units. In clinic students are guided in the practice of medical interviews, history-taking and physical examinations as appropriate, and work with attending physicians to arrive at a diagnosis and management plan. 1 Unit. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. TYPE OF CLERKSHIP: Selective 2. With guidance, students gain experience with a variety of procedures, actively apply their knowledge of physiology, and hone their patient management skills. Please contact Coordinator listed below for pre-approval before signing up. CLERKSHIP COORDINATOR: Vanessa Murillo, vmurill0@stanford.edu, 650-725-8738. Topics include fad diets, the impact of dietary addiction, longevity associated with caloric restriction, toxins in foods and the action of phytonutirents. Students work as an integral part of a large ICU team aiding housestaff in managing a wide range of critically ill patients. The platform has validated pedagogy to meet the needs of individual learners with clinical scenarios that are relevant to medical engagements across all disciplines and inclusive of a culturally relevant approach to clinical care. Search Clinical Trials. REPORTING INSTRUCTIONS: Where: TBA; Time: 8:00 am. program also makes a special effort to work with M.D. CLERKSHIP COORDINATOR: Maria Alfonso, 650-497-6702, malfonso@stanford.edu. CALL CODE: 0. This course offers a diverse set of research projects focusing on cutting edge computer vision and machine learning technologies to solve some of healthcare's most important problems. MED 246. Through a series of fireside interviews with "World Changing" guest speakers from non-profits, business and government, we will explore how individuals can have a huge, positive influence on the state of the world. VISITING: Open to visitors. Communication is an unavoidable element of our everyday life that often goes unexamined. TYPE OF CLERKSHIP: Elective. 1-2 Unit. Students follow each of their patients through these tests. INDE 297. This is a Community-Engaged Virtual Healthcare Course for undergraduate students. Core clinical skills are acquired through hands-on practice, and evaluated through an extensive program of simulated medical encounters, in which students interview, examine, and manage patients in a mock clinic. Director approval required. Advanced methods currently used in published model-based cost-effectiveness analyses in medicine and public health, both theory and technical applications. Endocrinology and Metabolism Clerkship. Upcoming Classes & Events. adipose, skin, etc. MED 303B. PERIODS AVAILABLE: 1-16, full-time for 3 weeks, 1 student per period. Open to both undergraduate and graduate students. By offering this course to pre-med students, we believe that the doctors of the future will become skilled and compassionate healers. Prerequisite: knowledge of basic statistics. Inpatient Medicine Shadowing Rotation. RT-qPCR, microarrays, RNA-seq, etc.) MED 225. Medical School: Penn State Hershey College of Medicine. The program is based upon an individual development plan, and includes both course work and completion of a master's project under the direction of a program core faculty member. 5, 3rd Fl Rm C-367. Students work with their faculty mentor on projects and studies that are broadly centered around the vision and mission of Presence: The Art and Science of Human Connection and the Program in Bedside Medicine. Visit http://cfc.stanford.edu for more information. Components of this curriculum include the "Doctoring with CARE" small groups, the "MeD-ReST" Medical Student Resiliency Skills Training¿ sessions, and the "Contextual Medicine: Communication, Connection and Creativity in Practice" lunch and lecture series. This course offers a foundation in nutrition science, and explores how it relates to health for different individuals within varying contexts of human development. OTHER FACULTY: A. Chen, A. Davila, A. Ho, E. Hwang, A. Kamal, R. Lerrigo, D. Lin, N. Shah, J. Williams. No student may miss more than two clerkship days. (Same as MED 121; undergraduate students enroll in MED 121) Open to graduate students and medical students, this course enables students to learn basic principles in the design, performance and analysis of translational medical research studies. If you want to be sure to have a slot for a particular period, you should register to it as soon as possible as the slots are limited and fill quickly. LOCATION: SCVMC. Additional School of Medicine graduate degree programs are available on the School of Medicine Education website. The art of reading the body as text was at its peak in the first half of the 20th century, but as technology has become ascendant, bedside skills and the ability to read the text have faded. AF, NSTEMI, chest pain, SBE are admitted primarily via the ER 7 days a week. 2 Units. Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Sciences Seminar. Class days are concentrated 4 days a week leaving Wednesdays free. Students will be supervised by an attending, fellow and one to two residents. Prerequisite: INDE 207D. An essential aspect of the clerkship is the students¿ gradual assumption of direct responsibility for, and full-time involvement in, patient care with the house staff and faculty team. Lectures are profusely illustrated, and, for the sake of comparison, two equally ancient systems of medicine, the traditional Chinese and the Vedic, are briefly reviewed. The goal of the program is to train researchers in human biology and disease to be better equipped to translate new scientific discoveries into useful medical advances. For assistance accessing the course, email: cwpsupport@lists.stanford.edu. Patient cases springboard discussion on viral, bacterial, fungal, protozoal and helminthic pathogens. Discovery Curriculum provides education in biomedical and clinical sciences along with study and independent research through scholarly concentrations. TYPE OF CLERKSHIP: Selective 2. For medical students - all levels of writing skill. 5 Units. MED 142. INDE 227. More information about Stanford Biodesign, which has led to the creation of 50 venture-backed healthcare companies and has helped hundreds of student launch health technology careers, can be found at http://biodesign.stanford.edu/. Students choose to enroll for 2 units or 3 units depending upon an agreed- upon workload approved by the instructor. OTHER FACULTY: Staff. May be repeated for credit. Journal clubs are held once weekly. TYPE OF CLERKSHIP: Elective. The Stanford Medicine WellMD Center is offering an innovative and highly interactive one-week workshop for approximately 45 participants. over the lifecourse, from conception to puberty, through reproductive phases (including changes during the menstrual cycle and pregnancy up to and beyond menopause in women, and with aging in both sexes). Courses Programs Filter Results. Broadly discusses foundational topics in pursuing academic careers, including the academic and faculty career landscape, establishing a writing practice, establishing an independent research agenda, issues of diversity, equity and inclusion, presentation skills, self-advocacy, creativity in research, establishing collaborations, and grantsmanship. VISITING: Open to visitors. Intrigued by Sherlock Holmes? Journal clubs, noon conferences, and division rounds provide didactic teaching. During their first five quarters, students take basic biomedical science courses with Stanford M.D. Builds working vocabulary for organ system, disease assessment to conduct a full physical exam, and to describe treatment modalities for Chinese-speaking patients (diagnostic and therapeutic). TYPE OF CLERKSHIP: Elective. 1 Unit. As a consulting specialty service within the Department of Medicine, participants are able to see a wide variety of community-acquired and nosocomial infections. Advanced Medicine Clerkship. Join SE Lab with an idea or simply the desire to join a team. For second year medical students who wish to continue their existing longitudinal clinical partnerships begun in year 2. The experience draws heavily on and will expand skills in internal medicine, emphasizing differential diagnosis, physical examination, utilization of laboratory, X-ray, and imaging studies, as well as approaches to psycho-social problems for patients with suspected or established malignant disease. Why do certain diseases like hepatitis B affect Asian/Pacific Islanders (APIs) disproportionately? Student lead: Life Science companies are often valued with a different methodology than traditional valuation metrics. CLERKSHIP DIRECTOR: Stephanie Chan, M.D. Rohit Jayakar. Science of Medicine III-B. This includes the creation of some of the world’s first medical massively open online courses, or MOOCs, the provision of accredited continuing medical education (CME) for physicians and allied health practitioners through the Center for Continuing Medical Education, and the launch of a new Stanford Center for Health Education dedicated to designing and delivering educational programs to learners worldwide. Class days are concentrated 4 days a week leaving Wednesdays free. program is open to M.D. Courses Programs Filter Results. The Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) provides medical students with an opportunity to pursue an individualized program of research and course work leading to both the M.D. Students are also paired with a patient partner for the year with whom they meet (online) monthly, outside of class, to explore the patient and caregiver journey by developing an individual relationship. With these interviews we will be highlighting the ethical challenges that these leaders faced and how they rose to these challenges, or fell short. Same as: HUMBIO 124C, PEDS 124. While the focus of this course will be on health care situations, lessons are relevant to other settings including consulting, banking, and high tech, and prior experience in the health sector is not required. Contact Dr. Lisa Shieh at lshieh@stanford.edu if interested. Same as: FEMGEN 241, HUMBIO 140. California Finally we will go over differential gene expression analysis techniques and tools used to interpret lists of genes derived from such analysis. The School of Medicine offers courses of study leading to the M.S., Ph.D., and M.D. The core faculty interests include outcomes research, health economics, health care organization, health care access, quality of care, decision analysis, clinical guidelines, and assessment of patient preferences and quality of life. 3 Units. INDE 208A. 1520 Page Mill Road Mail Code: 5190 Palo Alto, CA 94304. DESCRIPTION: The infectious diseases clerkship features an active inpatient service at Stanford Hospital, which averages two to four new consults per day. Substantial writing component. MED 299. Students will be taught important skills in healthcare communication including motivational interviewing, health education, and health coaching. Medical-Surgical Intensive Care Unit Clerkship. LOCATION: SUMC. 5 Units. Guest lecturers provide a gender-sensitive approach to the medical care of the LGBT patient, breaking down homophobic barriers and reaffirming patient diversity. The application form can be found at the following link: : https://tinyurl.com/ghmed232. Upon finishing the course, students will learn how to better handle aging and death in their medical practice, in order to improve the quality of their patients¿ lives¿and that of their families¿ as well. Focus is on structure, function, disease, and therapeutics of the renal, gastrointestinal, and hepatic systems. DESCRIPTION: This clerkship will teach students the fundamentals of addiction medicine from the perspective of primary care and interdisciplinary coordination of care. DESCRIPTION: Offers an intensive, inpatient, subspecialty care experience, equivalent to a subinternship. Science of Medicine III-A. 5 Units. DESCRIPTION: Familiarizes students with the subspecialty of medical oncology through subspecialty patient care in clinics and tumor boards and attending the weekly conferences of the Division of Oncology. Jan. 08. At the School of Engineering, the. Every healthcare provider responding to a disaster should have foundational knowledge of disaster medicine. Students in this course will (1) develop an understanding of how socio-cultural conditions, including political, regulatory, military, and academic institutions; geographical, historical, environmental, and technological conditions; and human cultures and activities have shaped the innovation ecosystem in human and planetary health in Israel into one of the world¿s most productive centers; (2) gain an appreciation of the advantages and disadvantages faced by entrepreneurs in Israel, how they have evolved, and how they compare to the experience of entrepreneurs in the US and elsewhere; and (3) develop a strategy for delving more deeply into these themes in Israel. IDEO's design thinking will be taught by Dr. Jayant Menon, Dr. Farzad Azimpour and Grace Hwang. Our goal is to train future leaders in healthcare and especially in the space of aging and end-of-life care. MED 305A. Med/Graduate students must enroll in MED 124 or PEDS 124.) Practical Approaches to Global Health Research. Throughout the quarter, we will develop a pipeline to analyze high-throughput RNA-seq data. PREREQUISITES: None. Clinical conferences and journal clubs are held once weekly. 1 Unit. DESCRIPTION: This clerkship provides experience managing adult patients in a critical care unit. Fathman, J. Fries, H. Holman, E. Lambert, S. Strober, L. Tarter, M. Genovese, W. Robinson, P. Utz, L. Chung, M. Lyon. What Keeps Us Up at Night. The Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) MD-PhD program provides a select group of medical students with an opportunity to pursue a training program designed to equip them for careers in academic investigative medicine. We will consider what moral imperative leads to global health work, and how conventional thought about the relationships between providers, patients and systems in the global North and South is shifting. Cases integrate other course themes of population health, evidence-based practice, clinical ethics, nutrition, health policy, and behavioral medicine. Please note: Visiting students must obtain approval from Dr. Stephanie Chan prior to applying for this clerkship. Offers an introduction to the scientific method and common biases in science. It not only previews the academic hiring process, including tips from experienced faculty from different types of institutions, but also guides participants in the preparation and polishing of their application materials for success on the job market. We will then identify both medical and non-medical causes, effects of, as well as interventions to address, some of the biggest child health problems. Their application at the doctoral level at Stanford affiliated sites job search.... Managed by the UC Berkeley program ; course work is undertaken at the intersection Where forward! 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