undead humanoid 5e race

Liches typically lose their humanity over time, or whatever made them who they were and adopt a more hellish one. You are however tall you were in life and weigh significantly less. This is because most liches hide away from life when they ascend, but some stay around people and other friendly humanoid races, keeping them close to their old forms and minds. Dead Like Me. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. The point of Sentience is to make the race mechanically humanoid, instead of undead. You can speak, read, and write Common and 2 other languages of your choice as long as they follow the "Master Linguist" Racial Trait. Your size is Small. Your size is Medium. Cookies enable you to enjoy certain features, social sharing functionality, and tailor message and display ads to your interests on our site and others. Male: Szenquc, Vrosgadh, Vraemdik, Phelak, Putradh, Uloc, Qras'qagher, Shos'qugox, Suggaroog, Czadzuagi, Female: Del'qol, Yrrug, Prekter, Vhic'mar, Tsaed'zid, Paqnal, Qhouth'gygiz, Nuz'dhilo, Zhean'ghagniz, Drut'zakur. Dark spirited creatures that are tied to sarcophagi. Your base walking speed is 25 feet if you are Small sized. Despite their short legs, they are nimble and quick, with a base walking speed of 30 feet. Your lich will be the exact same height they were when they were alive, give or take a few inches. Your size is determined by your subrace. Why are you still in the field? If a humanoid was possessed by a ghost, then a paladin were to enter the room and use their Divine Sense, would the humanoid register as undead (or the undead nature of the ghost still otherwise show up on the paladin's "radar", such as detecting undead within the humanoid or something like that) or would the possession effectively render the ghost immune to being detected by Divine Sense? Though your mere existence generates a great deal of mistrust towards your kind, your mixed heritage is still a powerful thing. God Touched Skeletons whether their actual death was recent or many centuries ago are pristine, with… D&D Beyond A playable undead race. Angels of death are almost always between 5 feet and 7 feet and rarely weigh more than 130 pounds. Reborn and undead, rulers of eras now past walk the Material Plane again, ready to rebuild their kingdoms. A humanoid race of undead living upon the coldest summits of the world. Wight: +2 Con,+1 Str Base 30 walking speed. l wish undead player races were a option. Your size is Medium. Your size is Medium. The ghost uses the Ring of Spell Storing that contains at least one Find Familiar spell. It was usually encountered still wearing the clothes it was wearing at the time of its death. The one thing our DM did change was that my character was effected by our … The soul of a mortal who met a cruel and undeserving fate. Your base walking speed in 30 feet, regardless of the humanoid you inhabit. Alien creatures created to serve the Apex, but wait... Inhuman, merciless, and uncaring about their earlier life. The target’s spirit rises as a wraith in the space of its corpse or in the nearest unoccupied space. Your Constitution score increases by 2, and your Intelligence score increases by 1. Because of your immortal, undead body, you do not need to eat, sleep, drink, or breathe. No two liches are the same when it comes to their motivations, purpose, identity, and what remains of their rotting immortal form. Mortis Traits Your Mortis character has an array of racial abilities, the result of your soul and your host body combining after death. These coldskins tend to be lighter and shorter than most humans. maybe you refused to leave your body and rise to kill your killer. Skeletons range from 4 to 8 feet in height, weighing 10% of their weight. The unstoppable rival of all life in the galaxy. If you have the Spellcasting or Pact Magic feature, you can learn a number of additional spells equal to your level. Half-satori half-phantoms are the same height and build as typical satori, ranging from 4 to 5 feet in height. Wrath are the size of their original bodies. Depending on composition, humanoid undead typically range a wide gamut from 20 to 300 pounds, and may possess empty eyes, a colored fl ame-like magical animus in their sockets, or harrowed, surprisingly mortal eyes burning with an inner fire. A paralyzed target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. Undead. To represent this, the tables below in your subrace have a very broad height range. The difference between each type of Skeleton can be observed by certain tell tail traits that are uniquely present of each of them. A ghost takes possession of a humanoid. Your size is Medium. Your size is Medium. Your size is Medium. The beheaded possess humanoid corpses and as such can be of various ranges. They are immortal until their phylactery is destroyed, but if killed in combat, roll a 1d10 to see how many days it will take for them to come back in fullAlignment. Your size is Medium. You know what 5E needed? Coldlight walkers were a type of undead found in cold regions.1 1 Description 2 Behavior 3 Abilities 4 Combat 5 Ecology 6 Appendix 6.1 Appearances 6.2 References Since a coldlight walker was an undead humanoid's corpse, the appearance of this creature varied. Your eyes may have recessed into your skull. You have the same abilities modifiers as your. Corpses, sewn together by stitches, powered by electricity and given intelligence by a snatched soul. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. According to the Monster Manual. Frankensteins are large humans, created from the parts of other, deceased humans. Spirits who have, through vaguely defined means, created physical bodies for themselves. The character doesn’t need to eat, drink, sleep, or breathe. Skeletal beings that are half humanoid and reptilian. Your size is Medium. Litches stand between 6 to 7 feet tall. These undead creatures not only serve as a way to bring undead into the campaign, but bring back dead characters in the form of Hollow Ones. In addition, when you reach 4th level, and again at 10th and 17th, you gain an extra 1st-level spell slot. No spell or effect can halt or counteract this decay. Your Intelligence score increases by 3 and your Wisdom score increases by 2. This race deals with making a vampire PC, and includes all the implications that come with it including: this race is hard to kill under most circumstances, you are undead and must drink blood for nourishment, and the race has a large number of weaknesses. Accursed Undead usually just keep their old names they had in life. Drekolac are roughly the height of humans, though not so heavy. Shady undead creatures who guard anomalous gates to the dead world. Vampires are undeath and evil manifest of inversed good and paradox. Unlife is nothing to envy: while you may have more time than you had in life, it holds none of life’s sweetness. Although this may seem like a grotesque combination, frankensteins make great allies, but also great enemies. The creation of husks and skeletons at the same time allows a necromancer to create two undead with a single corpse. A group of possessed shurikens forming into a humanoid like form (I don't know why I made this). Undead humanoids with a burning heart and need for blood. He asked me if there was a way to play as an undead in 5E, not as a vampire but as a full fledged race so i made this homebrew Wight race as it seemed to be the most reasonable undead in the MM to make a PC and just wanted reddits opinion since i've never made a homebrew before . Most spectrals materialize in forms that are sustainable, but keep their general size and shape. A conservated animated body wrapped in bandages. If the target is a creature other than an undead, it must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. There are few cases where they kept their dead name in favor of a new one. Powerful necromancers create husks from the leftovers of corpses used to animate skeletons. This is dependent on your secondary race. Half-human half-phantoms possess the same builds as humans. You always hover 1 feet over the ground, but can't fly. Lich's were once powerful mages, so they are often suited as wizards or sorcerers. They are often draped in robes, without any substantial armor on their bodies. Undead Fortitude. What happened? Additionally, you are immune to poison damage along with the poisoned condition and immune to all forms of disease.A Mage's Study. Brilrine size doesn't entirely depend on what they were in their past life. Your size is Medium. Name Summary Aarongar : Shark people born of mad experimentation Alraune : A race of plant-like flower … Your size is Medium. Geists are a unique form of a ghost or other spirit in that they have elected to turn away from the Blessed Sleep, a form of the afterlife where the souls find eternal rest, rather than being prohibited from it due to a geist's anguish or regret overcoming the pull toward the Æther. Merchants stand up to about 3 feet tall and might look even smaller due to their bent backs and stooping gait. A humanoid usually has two arms, two legs, and one head, or a humanlike torso, arms, and a head. Soul Stitched are around the same size as humans but usually weigh more. Forloom are nary taller than a man. Your size is Medium. You may have lost the coloration in your skin. From D&D Wiki. Liches are slightly shorter and immensely lighter than their original race. Demonic appearing, necromancers projects. You are always fully awake and do not require a long or short rest, just for that off time to pass. 3,358 1 1 gold badge 7 7 silver badges 35 35 bronze badges. Then you weren't... Everything's a little foggy and nothing seems to function right. Your size is Medium. Back to Main Page → 5e Homebrew → Races → Races by Type Its still there poking out of your ribcage with rotting bits of your heart attached. Alternatively, you can use the size range of the race you had in life, but use 1/7th or 1/8th of their weight or roll on the height and weight tables below just for your weight. A lich is immortal until their phylactery is destroyed, but can be temporarily killed for 1-10 days before they revive themselves to full. - The character’s hit point maximum is reduced by 1d4 at dawn each day, representing the physical decay of the body. Phantomborn tend to stand between 4 to a little over 6 feet tall. Skeletons are the re-animated, completely decomposed body of a humanoid. Six undead player races. Cnámhrûh are resurrected having lost all their flesh, and so a good portion of their original size is sheared down. A lich has a rotting, undead humanoid body, often with the skeleton trying to pry out of its flesh at one point or another. Veilwalkers are skinny but rather tall. You are usually a humanoid, but the mummification process tends to make you shorter, usually from 5 to 6 feet tall. Your size is Medium. Generally born from human parents they can be Small size, but are usually Medium size. they tend to be around human size, with exception of Solidark Shadowlings who are often bigger than Humans. The dullahan is a 5E D&D playable race of undead creatures with detachable heads! Your size is Medium.Speed. You know up to 2 other languages of your choice as long as they have a written script, not including common.Languages. See more ideas about dnd races, dnd, dnd 5e homebrew. You can only possess the bodies of Medium or Small humanoids. This wraith is under the deathwisp’s control. "Maybe unliving in your case" he mutters to himself. There is usually something that marks you as "unnatural". Accursed Undead tend to look generally like the race they were before they died. The reanimated completely decomposed corpse of a humanoid. A word from the wise: betrayed children rarely stay dead. Those who tried to absorb cold lost their humanity. Normally they range from 6 to 8 feet tall and weigh more the most humanoids. Then you look down all to quickly you remember the spear. The rattling of their bones makes you shiver. Your size is Medium. Typically they become liches at a much older age back when they were alive. Husks are the opposite of skeletons: undead made entirely from tissue. I've been running the a Human/Grave-touched/Dhampir Fighter in a Curse of Strahd 5e campaign for 3 months now and everything is pretty well balanced from what I can tell. A lich has a rotting, undead humanoid body, often with the skeleton trying to pry out of its flesh at one point or another. Your size depends on your subrace. Depending on your subrace, you may be small or medium, with any size range in-between. Vryloka range from 5 to a little over 6 feet tall. This is my attempt into breathing life into an undead race and I’d like to know what you think of it. Your weight range is very low however, because bones are light. As most of the processes done to conservate your body require you to substitute organs and/or dehidrate you, you are a lot lighter than your average humanoid. "Crazy Bones" for people who like mismatched skeletons. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Liches have no society, most of the time being complete loners with the occasional undead army or acquaintances. Jiangshi are a special type of undead, made to be servants, but very much able to possess free will. As a result, the average height is that of their birth race minus two inches and they are skinnier. Races; Aberrations, beasts, humanoids, oozes, undead, and many others. 5e SRD >Gamemastering >Monsters & Foes >Monsters By Type >Undead > Deathwisp. Children are Small whereas adults are Medium. Your size is Medium. You are neither dead nor alive, yet both at once. Your size is Medium. Your size is Medium. Cofagrigus are normally between 5 to 6 feet tall, being that they were made to carry humans before they were inhabited by a ghost. Your size is Medium. If you are small size, it is 25 feet instead. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Vampires can range in height and weight like most humanoids would, though they are normally lighter then they appear to be while looming over others. Undead humanoids with the general appearance of humans, that make strong thieves and assassins. There are no official non-humanoid PC races in 5e that I know of, so having a non-humanoid PC race might cause unforeseen consequences. Race. A skinny lad in black robes stands nearby. Please look for balance issues. Coldveins stand within the same general sizes as high elves. They are often draped in robes, without any substantial armor on their bodies. Your base walking speed is the speed you had in life. asked Nov 15 at 18:34. for the most part. A humanoid race of undead living upon the coldest summits of the world. Skeletons imbued with the runes of necromancy. 3. votes. You can, out to a range of 120 ft, see in normal and magical darkness, see invisible creatures and objects, automatically detect visual illusions and succeed on saving throws against them, and perceives the original form of a shapechanger or a creature that is transformed by magic.Greater Undeath. Your speed is 25 feet. you weight from 80 to around 150 pounds. You have a base walking speed of 30 feet. When this happens, they barely look undead for the most part. Liches can't reproduce as well, so finding love isn't a priority either. You can find this character option along with the Stygian Shadow Ranger … Your lich will be the exact same height they were when they were alive, give or take a few inches. Due to their leg change, most are around 6-9' tall (no taller than 9'), and most necromancers alter their torso's and general body to look like roughly normal proportions. Illustration by Jean-Guilhem Barguès. Your size is Small or Medium, depending on your former race. You have advantage on all Deception checks to appear as a dead body. Sep 28, 2020 - Explore Zac's board "Dnd races" on Pinterest. A grotesque human body moves like jelly. You may have started to wrinkle. The spirits of humanoids that inhabit swords, becoming dependent on their new bodies, but gaining the ability to hover and never decay. I agree, Cannibalize is undertuned. Weaker, but less complex and more in-line with 5e race strengths. You are considered undead for effects such as turn undead and many healing spells. Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) Fifth Edition (5e) Race - Human - Humans are the most adaptable and ambitious people among the common races. Your size is Medium. Your size is Medium. Your size is Medium. Waste Not. Coming out of their bones, however, are raised runes, cryptic and often indecipherable. Hey all, a player of mine wanted to be an ex lich or death knight, so I came up with this as a playable race. Generally weighing in around 150 pounds, your size is Medium. Most liches are undeniably evil, having a past greed for wanting to be immortal, but some are more sympathetically good or neutral if given the chance.Size. A Pseudolich is an alchemically created undead, dedicated to purpose. Liches only occasionally find comfort in the living, typically of people from the race they use to be. Dhampyres have a similar build to zombies. Its split-open front reveals the creature has no bones. Your size is Medium. As usual, you can’t increase an ability beyond 20 using this trait.Age. Your size is Medium. The DM hasn't had any problems with anything as our DM was the one that referred me to this page when I wanted to create the character. You were alive. Your size is Medium. You’ll find the subrace traits for the Skeleton and Zombie on the links below as well as a Non-human undead variant option as I wasn’t able to neatly fit them all onto a single page. Liches are undead humanoids that used powerful magic to achieve immortality. Liches are a type of undead that gain their immortality by creating a lich's phylactery that holds their souls. Shadow fiends usually appear between 4 and 6 feet tall. The flesh has completely disappeared, leaving a bone structure magically held together, that moves oddly in its attempt to imitate life. Your size is Medium. Ghosts have no weight and are as tall as they were in life. **Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier), https://www.dandwiki.com/w/index.php?title=Lich_(5e_Race)&oldid=1397945. Hunched, heavily cloaked travelers who love a good bargain. Since these humanoid undead beings where once extremely smart and wise mages, they retain that knowledge and use it to learn greater spells, hiding their phylactery where no one can destroy it, and even creating powerful armies. like imagin the roll play possabilitys of being a reanimated corpse. Your size is medium. Roll20 uses cookies to improve your experience on our site. Your size is Medium. If you end your turn more than 1 feet over the ground, you start falling. If a humanoid is paralyzed for more than 2 rounds, it contracts darakhul fever. Humanoid possesses a Ring of Spell Storing. Natural Truesight. Your size is Medium. Your size category is the same as your original race. A creature born from pure necrotic energy. he announces grandly. Medium undead, neutral evil. Skeletons vary widely in height and build, from barely 5 feet to well over 6 feet tall. A humanoid whose loved ones were unable to bring them back from death fully, resulting in a twisted creature. Some of their body will have withered of course, usually a limb or somewhere on the torso. Humanoids have few or no supernatural or extraordinary abilities, but most can speak and usually have well-developed societies.They usually are Small or Medium. Back to Main Page → 5e Homebrew → Races → Races by Type On a success, you are reduced to 1 hit point, instead. They live fully in the present—making them well suited to the adventuring life—but also plan for the future, striving to leave a lasting legacy. - The character is considered an undead, not a humanoid, and is subject to all effects that target undead. Undead humanoids with the general appearance of humans, that make strong thieves and assassins. Sepulchrals stand between 6 and 7 feet tall on average, though when accommodating for their lower body which they slither upon, their actual body length is typically 11 to 13 feet. *Height = base height + height modifier The ghost-humanoid ... dnd-5e spells magic-items undead familiars. Awakened undead have bodies that are somewhat sluggish. Awakened undead have the same size that they did in life. Liches often take on names separate from their living forms. Flesh doesn't always grow back to full. You have resistance to poison damage and advantage on saves against poison. Despite a small size, merchants have a surprising turn of speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Lich's were once powerful mages, so they are often suited as wizards or sorcerers.Ability Score Increase. maybe you were a necromancers first reanimated corpse,but something went wrong and you are fully under your own control,or maybe you serve your new master till you can find a way to break your "chains". Insidia have varying builds like humans, though they often keep the stature they had from their living days. The living dead are paramount to most Dungeons & Dragons games, so adding them with the Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount was a fantastic choice. Memory of Life. You gain proficiency in one skill, tool, and musical instrument of your choice. You're half-undead, and a mind reader. If you lay motionless, you are indistinguishable from a humanoid corpse and appear dead to all outward inspection and to spells used to determine your status. What they pick tends to rarely have a correlation to their past lives, as they come up with them very on the spot. An immortal thing. Regular looking humanoid with a parasite for brains. In D&D, “Humanoid” is a category of creature that includes certain human shaped creatures, but which excludes others for various reasons. The reanimated completely decomposed corpse of a humanoid, usually. Kabaneri's size is comparable to a human. Your size is Medium. Orcs are one of Exandria’s youngest races, and are said to have been born from elves seared by the blood of Gruumsh, the Ruiner. Ghouls are never too short to intimidate. "Welcome back to the land of the living!" If you were to have a flying speed, you lose it. Because of the decay that comes with undeath, the cartilage between the bones is mostly gone in a given pseudolich. Thus they will still be muscular even in death. Your speed is 30 feet. War Pick. Small or Medium. An orc, a lizardfolk, a kenku, and even certain kinds of Yuan-ti are all humanoids. Pure white bone bois for your games outside of the other variants on this wiki. Speed. Cheers. If damage reduces you to 0 hit points, you must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 plus the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. Your size is Medium. The height of a geist varies based on the geist's original race, however, regardless of your original race. Your size is usually Medium, although small ghosts are frequent. An individual human might have a relatively short life span, but a human nation or culture preserves traditions with origins far beyond the reach of any single human’s memory. All awakened share some similar base traits due to the fact that they are sentient undead. Shades are creatures of random sizes and abilities from a past life and as such, the possibilities are through the roof. Litches stand between 6 … Humanoid Type [edit | edit source]. You are as large as a human, though possibly leaner or stockier. But a zombie, even if it was originally a human corpse, counts as an Undead, but not as a Humanoid. Tim of Time. At first glance, cnámhrûh appear to be humanoid skeletons encased in a vague, transparent corporeal shell. Undead bodies are not easily poisoned. A lich's phylactery can be anything from something important to them when they were human, a magic item, etc. The shell often resembles a veil of sorts that is transparent and can appear wispy and ethereal at night in the moonlight. A rulers height and weight is about the same as it was in life. A race of humans who gained near-vampiric powers. Wights are undead returned solely by hate. View recent changes for all Undead, https://www.dandwiki.com/w/index.php?title=5e_Undead_Races&oldid=1066901. 5e Undead Races without an improving, reviewing, or removing template present. Credit to other internet homebrewers from reddit and other sources as I pillaged them for the basis of this. Shadowlings are generally able to shape the form they take, but they will always be of an Humanoid shape as they have a skeleton. ", -Stephan Steele, zombie paladin, to a racist human knight. Inured to Poison. Quick, deadly, and with a weird sense of humour. Alastors inhabit swords, and as such, can be anywhere around 28 to 72 inches long, depending on what sword they inhabit. Medium undead, chaotic evil Armor Class 12 Hit Points 22 (5d8) This humanoid creature has long, sharp teeth, and its pallid flesh is stretched tightly over its starved frame. Only the most skilled mages can make them, and they often could cause many gold pieces. Your base walking speed is the same as the base walking speed of your former race. You do not gain this spell slot if you do not have the Spellcasting or Pact Magic feature.Master Linguist. To watch for ongoing updates, please follow me on Twitter. The deathwisp targets a humanoid within 10 feet of it that died violently less than 1 minute ago. Obviously I didn't get that intent across in the wording, so I will have to re-visit that. You remember a field, and people fighting... 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