swedish tank regiments

[16] P 18 consists, among other units, of the 181st Armoured Battalion, formed in January 2020. [17], The head was called Inspector of the Swedish Armoured Troops (Pansarinspektören). Stockholm Command Staff According to the Defence Act of 1925, a tank battalion was organized, which was placed to Göta Life Guards (I 2). Stridsvagn 122 would replace Stridsvagn 103 in the armoured brigades. [8], In 1994, the organization changed by introducing the concept of mechanized brigade. The crews were ordinary British tank crews from the 2nd Royal Tank Regiment, who were sent to Sweden to train on the 103 for four weeks. That means that different organizations existed at the same time making things a little complex. The m/41 and L-60 were excellent light tanks by the standards of 1941, with a Bofors … There already were new tank designs on the drawing board by 1942, like the Cavalier, Centaur and Cromwell series. At that time, the army's field units consisted of two armoured brigades, four mechanized brigades (fewer tanks than the armored brigades), seven infantry brigades and four Norrland brigades. This is a list of Swedish infantry regiments. Swedish Army regiments are tasked with training conscripts and Home Guard troops. Attacks were carried out on foot and the tank was given a supporting role. The regiments were updated one after another in no special order. Motor Rifle Regiments in Tank Divisions were equipped with BMP. Parallel attempts were made … Swedish name: Norra Skånska Kavalleriregementet, K5 The regiment was first established 1658 as the Scanian Cavalry Regiment (Skånska kavalleriregementet).The regiment was attached to the Allotment System in 1680. Exercises with P 2 tanks, summer of 1954. [4], This brigade organization with, among other things, different rates of movement between the tanks and armoured infantry battalions (the main part on military bicycles) reduced the brigade's attack power and was quickly outrun by international development with its demands for higher standards, mobility and constant division in the battlefield. This is a list of Swedish regiments and other military units (divisions, brigades, battalions, companies) that have existed since the 16th century.Most formations have changed names several times during their existence. I 1 returned to the infantry. General major Gillner tested the Iranian AH-IV and TNH, and in July the army ordered two AH-IV plus the licen… Schools are the Armed Forces' training facilities where soldiers, sailors and officers from all parts of the Armed Forces improve their theoretical and practical skills. [1], The four armored brigades - Pbrig m/43 - were created to meet the need for powerful attack units that could break through a defensive position and quickly proceed behind enemy lines. P 7 consist, among other units, of the 71st Battalion, a motorized infantry battalion equipped with Pansarterrängbil 360,[14] and the 72nd Battalion, a mechanized battalion equipped with Stridsvagn 122 and Combat Vehicle 90. In Sweden, after World War I, a smaller number of tanks were procured. Whatever the Military real reasons were they decided to buy a standard 7.9 mm K98k rifle as an Anti-tank gun 1939! [15] P 4 consist, among other units, of the 41st and the 42nd Armoured Battalion. The deliveries of the 120 Stridsvagn 122 began in 1997 and were completed in 2002. After evaluation in 1994 the German Leopard 2 Improved (Stridsvagn 122) was elected. The regiment's history goes back to the "fänikor" that were raised in the province of Dalarna in 1542. [5] In 1957, the Norrbotten Armoured Battalion (P 5) was raised to meet the needs of armoured combat units in Upper Norrland. [5], In order to increase the attack force of the armoured brigade, extensive materiel and organizational experiments were carried out in the early 1960s. However, all brigades were disbanded in the war organization according to the Defence Act of 2000. Additionally each regiment can mobilise in times of crisis or war operational battalions for the army's rapid reaction organisation. It was also included in 1944 in the British arsenal as the Achilles, some of which were rearmed with the Ordance QF 17 Pounder (3 in/76 mm) gun. Bärgningsbandvagn 81 was eliminated after 2004 and was replaced by the Bärgningsbandvagn 120.[12][13]. In Sweden, after World War I, a smaller number of tanks were procured. [5] Already at the end of the war, Sweden was unhelpful in technical development. After receiving advice, they consulted CKD from Czechoslovakia, which was a profitable export seller. The main weapon systems of the armored battalions are Stridsvagn 122, Combat Vehicle 9040, 12 cm grenade launchers and anti-air vehicles. The Swedish Armoured Troops consist in 2020s of South Scanian Regiment (P 7) in Revingehed, Skaraborg Regiment (P 4) in Skövde, and since 2018 also Gotland Regiment (P 18). Underrättelsebataljonen (Intelligence battalion). [1] A tank battalion was organized at Göta Life Guards (I 2) from 1928 to 1939 and after the regiment was disbanded in 1930, tank battalions were organized in Skaraborg Regiment (I 9) and Södermanland Regiment (I 10) between 1939 and 1942. [10] In connection with the acquisition of Leopard 2, the remaining Stridsvagn 101 and Stridsvagn 102 began to be eliminated in 1992 pending scrapping. Swedish name: Dalregementet, I13 In English also known as the Dalecarlia Regiment. The brigades would be trained and organized by the aforementioned four regiments:[2], Two educational institutions were also formed, the Swedish Armoured Troops School (PS) - located at P 4, and the Swedish Armoured Troops Officer Candidate School (POAS) - located at P 3 - later to P 1. Remaining were 80 Stridsvagn 104 at the Kristianstad Brigade (PB 26), but this brigade would disbanded in 1994. Ten tanks were then sent to Germany for several months worth of field trials. The attack speed was limited to 5 km/h. Tank regiments were at this time a new branch of the army. [3] According to the Defence Act of 1942, the armoured troops were organized in peace-time as an independent branch of four armoured regiments (Göta Armoured Life Guards, Scanian Armoured Regiment, Södermanland Armoured Regiment and Skaraborg Armoured Regiment). This is a list of Swedish armoured regiments, battalions, corps and companies that have existed in the Swedish Army. The Norrbotten Armoured Battalion is organized for the daily production of war units and consists of personnel from the 191st and 192nd Mechanized Battalions. [6], The reduction of defence appropriations in the 1970s and 1980s forced reductions in both the war and peace organizations. [18] The Inspector was from 1991 to 1995 the head of the Swedish Army Armoured Center (Arméns pansarcentrum, PaC). Only used for Göta Life Guards (P 1). The regiment was first established in 1621 as the Dal Regiment.The regiment was linked to the Allotment System in 1621. In 1945, the Swedish army had been modernized from the use of World War I weapons to semi-automatic rifles and high-tech firearms such as the Carl Gustav.The infantry had also been equipped with a great deal of rocket launchers for anti-tank warfare, … In January 1937, a Swedish commission was sent to Germany, Poland and France to test tank models for possible purchase or licensed production. Therefore, in the beginning they were called foot soldiers.The term infantry wasn’t in use until the beginning of the 17th century. After a series of fairly mediocre designs in the A series in the past, and bearing in mind the threat posed by the German 88 mm gun, the War Office demanded a major revision of the design requirements, specifically: increased durability and reliability, the ability to withstand a direct hit from the German 88 mm gun and providing greater protecti… [9], The procurement of the Leopard 2 system started in 1991. This changed when Bofors started to design and manufactured their own weapons. Parallel attempts were made with armored cars in the cavalry between 1925 and 1942 and with motorized brigade between 1940 and 1942. The unit was based in the Strängnäs Garrison in Strängnäs , Södermanland , Sweden. They are listed in three ways, first by the actual units that have existed, then by the various names these units have had, and last by the various designations these units have had. Today we will play Swedish tanks in World of Tanks while speaking the Swedish language! This contrasts with Sweden's light infantry who … The Landsverk L-60, which made up a third of the active Swedish tank force in WW2. According to the Defence Act of 1925, a tank battalion was organized, which was placed to Göta Life Guards (I 2). In Upper Norrland, the Norrbotten Armoured Battalion has operated since 1957. The Swedish Armoured Troops were organized in war-time in armoured brigades consisting of, among other things, a tank and two armoured infantry battalions and an artillery battalion. Swedish military - Hans Högman. The battalion was divided into two battalions in 1939; one in Skaraborg Regiment (I9) and one in Sördermanland Regiment (I10). As a result, studies were initiated in an effort to find potential solutions to this problem. Branch insignia of the Swedish Armored Troops, m/52-60, gold Therefore, a large number of heavy tanks (Centurion) were purchased in 1953 and a reorganization - Pbrig 58 - started with mixed battalions which included a tank and two bicycle transporting infantry companies, one of which could be transported on KP-bil's. As a standing army in 1944, Sweden could muster a full armored division, some 700 tanks strong: 215 L60, 220 m/41, and 282 m/42 backed with dozens of specialized vehicles and 36* modern armored cars for reconnaissance. A key unit is K 3 Livregementets Hussarer (the Hussars of the Life Regiment), the last Swedish unit to use the ‘K for Cavalry’ designation (and in line with this a company in the unit is designated as a squadron). At the start of WWII regiments of the Royal Swedish Army was undergoing a number of changes. Storregementen or landsregementen (regiments of the land), these regiments were organized by Gustavus Adolphus in the end of the 1610s from the smaller units fänika and fana raised in the various parts of Sweden during the time of Gustav Vasa: 1. Each Mechanized Battalion—common formations integral to regiments of the Swedish Army's Rapid Reaction Organisation—has 2 Tank Companies (Strv 122) and 2 Mechanized Companies (Strf 9040). The tanks were loaded on a train and sent to Hassleholm, where the P 2 tank regiment relocated to in 1947. Army Small arms. Each Mechanized Rifle Platoon is equipped with 3 Strf 9040 infantry fighting vehicles, carrying 3 dismounted Mechanized Rifle Groups (Pansarskyttegrupp). The original thirteen (fourteen) Swedish county regiments of Foot: Dalregementet (Dalecarlia Regiment) Hälsinge regemente (Hälsingland Regiment) Jönköpings regemente (Jönköping Regiment) Kalmar regemente (Kalmar Regiment) Kronobergs regemente (Kronoberg Regiment) Närke-Värmlands regemente (Närke-Värmland Regiment) Skaraborgs … The tanks came to serve at the Gotland Brigade until the Defence Act of 2000, when the tank training stopped at the brigade and Stridsvagn 104's were scrapped. The unit consists of two battalions, one of which is the airborne 31. battalion with the other one being the 32. These tanks had no chance to deal with the fast developing German tanks. Beredskapsboden: Swedish military clothes since 1994. Since 2005, the Armoured Troops include the South Scanian Regiment (P 7) in Revingehed, Skaraborg Regiment (P 4) in Skövde, Norrbotten Armoured Battalion in Boden, and since 2018 also Gotland Regiment (P 18). https://www.forsvarsmakten.se/en/about/organisation/the-army Listed here are commonly used names. The Swedes initially used artillery designed by the German firm Krupp. … https://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/europe/se-armen.htm Tank Regiments were of similar structure but with 3 Tank Battalions and 1 Motor Rifle Battalion, an additional MRL battery and no AT company, Tank Regiments in MRD did not include a Motor Rifle Battalion. In the early stages of the war, Sweden relied on a numerous army through conscription and the use of a Total Defence policy. Training units include regiments (Army), flotillas (Navy and Air Force), hybrids such as the Amphibious Regiment, and common units such as the Service Regiment and the Command and Control Regiment. The Swedish tanks at this time were made of very inferior armour and had very weak guns. They consisted of about 500 soldiers. The mechanization process of these two later brigade types continued during the 1990s with the goal of forming fully mechanized brigades in 2000 (IB 2000/NB 2000). They are listed in three ways, first by the actual units that have existed, then by the various names these units have had, and last by the various designations these units have had. This report, authored by the Swedish observers from the Swedish Armored Forces School covers the results – such as they were – of these trials. [2], The Swedish Armoured Troops were formed on 1 October 1942. Branch insignia m/1963. The basic infantry section was led by a Corporal with a Lance Corporal as his assistant, it was split into two groups with the first being the rifle group and the second being the gun group. In 1971, the war organization consisted of six armoured brigades, four Norrland brigades, 21 infantry brigades, about 100 command, support and maintenance battalions, and about 100 local defence battalions. BTR equipped units contained additional Anti Tank platoons which in the forward Group of Forces could be over strength. The regiment received the name Mounted North Scanian Regiment (Norra Skånska regementet till häst) in 1676. [6] The final product became Pbrig 63 with armoured battalions consisting of two self-propelled panzergrenadier companies (Pansarbandvagn 301 and later Pansarbandvagn 302) and two tanks with either Centurion (Stridsvagn 101, 102) or the unconventionally Swedish-built S-Tank (Stridsvagn 103) as main tank and its own artillery (10.5 cm howitzer). In the same year, P 3 was reorganized into I 10 and became an armoured infantry regiment. [7] P 1 was disbanded in 1980 and the Swedish Armoured Troops Cadet and Officer Candidate School (PKAS) was amalgamated with the Swedish Armoured Troops School (PS) in Skövde. While the Wehrmacht sported almost a dozen of different tank hunter models by 1943-44, the Allies lagged behind. Older tanks' gun turrets were used as gun turret fortifications at ports and airfields, and Stridsvagn m/41 and Stridsvagn m/42 were rebuilt into Pansarbandvagn 301 and Stridsvagn 74 respectively. All artillery built by Bofors were well designed with many being exported all over the world. However, these were at first arm… The US developed, relatively soon in the war, a tank hunter doctrine, which spawned the M10 Wolverine. Norrbottens regemente med Norrbottens pansarbataljon, Norrbottens regemente och Norrbottensbrigaden, Skaraborgs regemente och Skaraborgsbrigaden, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_Swedish_armoured_regiments&oldid=995693204, Lists of military units and formations of Sweden, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 22 December 2020, at 11:07. The training with these was located to Svea Life Guards (I 1). Swedish Armoured Troops (Swedish: Pansartrupperna, P) is the armoured branch of the Swedish Army. P 10's armoured brigade was reorganized into a mechanized brigade. The number 8 indicated the gun’s caliber in centimeters, and the number 1 meant that it was the first such tank in the Swedish army. Swedish Army; Yugoslavian Army; Home; British; Companies; British Companies . Branch insignia m/52-60. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. In connection with this, 60 tanks from the Kristianstad Brigade were transferred in 1992 to Södermanland Brigade (MekB 10), where they were in service until 1994, when they were transferred to Gotland to upgrade and modernize the Gotland Brigade (MekB 18). A “ fänika ” was a 16th century name for a unit of foot soldiers. However, only the Panzer I was retained, but delivery was not possible at that time. [6] The peace organization changed so that I 6, I 7, I 10 and I 18 became new armoured regiments while I 15 returned to the infantry. ... Infantry Infantry was the name of the army units that fought by foot as well as was transported by foot. Below is a list of inspectors active in the years 1942–1995.[19]. [2] The design of the field brigades, together with newly acquired war experiences from World War II, resulted in the 1949 parliamentary decision that also Svea Life Guards (I 1) in Sörentorp, Älvsborg Regiment (I 5) in Borås and the South Scanian Infantry Regiment (Södra skånska infanteriregementet, I 7) in Ystad were converted to armoured infantry regiments under the Inspector of the Swedish Armoured Troops' jurisdiction to ensure a unified training closely related to the existing armoured regiments and a joint brigade production of five brigades - Pbrig 49. Pbrig 63, with its mobile, firepower, integrated and combat technology well thought out organization, attracted great international interest and praise. The currently active regiments and their main peacetime subordinate units are: Life Guards (LG), in Stockholm. Introduction The majority of the provincial regiments of the Allotment System were established during the 1620’s. Also known as Pansargrodan ("Iron Frog"). The war-organized brigades had two tanks battalions and one panzergrenadier battalion with KP-bil's, among others. The tanks, indexed Strv 81 on the Swedish army, were studied here. [5], At the armoured regiments, assault gun companies (Infanterikanonvagn 72, 73, 102 and 103) were also trained, self-propelled anti-tank companies (Pansarvärnskanonvagn m/43), anti-aircraft gun platoons (40 mm L/60) and crews for self-propelled assault guns (Stormartillerivagn m/43). Sweden was also given the opportunity to acquire used Leopard 2A4 (Stridsvagn 121) at a low price, which would replace the Centurion's in the mechanized brigades. The Swedish Armored Troops was established as an individual branch of the Army in 1942. [11], In 2000, the Defence Materiel Administration (FMV) was commissioned by the Swedish Armed Forces to dismantle Stridsvagn 103, Stridsvagn 104, Brobandvagn 941, Bärgningsbandvagn 81, Bärgningsbandvagn 82, Infanterikanonvagn 91, Luftvärnsrobotvagn 701 and Pansarvärnsrobotvagn 551. The branch was subordinate the Inspector of the Swedish Armoured Troops (, Swedish Armoured Troops Officer Candidate School, Swedish Armoured Troops Cadet and Officer Candidate School, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Swedish_Armoured_Troops&oldid=982116327, Military units and formations of the Swedish Army, Military units and formations established in 1942, Articles containing Swedish-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 6 October 2020, at 07:54. The training with these was located to Svea Life Guards (I 1). Basicly there were three different organizations of regiments named after the year they were suposed to have taken effect; A tank battalion was organized at Göta Life Guards (I 2) from 1928 to 1939 and after the regiment was disbanded in 1930, tank battalions were organized in Skaraborg Regiment (I 9) and Södermanland Regiment(I 10) between 1939 and 1942. The structure of the British army changed as the war went on, but infantry companies virtually remained the same. Today its part of Norrbotten Regiment (I 19). Södermanland Regiment (Swedish: Södermanlands regemente), designation I 10, was a Swedish Army infantry regiment that operated 1634–1942 and 1957–1963. Army surplus army fashion This is a list of Swedish armoured regiments, battalions, corps and companies that have existed in the Swedish Army. They originate from the “ fänikor ” and “ fanor ” that was raised in the Swedish regions during the regime of King Gustav Vasa in the 1500's. In 1928 a tank battalion was organized at Göta Life Guards (I2). The transfer of the 160 pcs used Leopard 2A4 (Stridsvagn 121) to Sweden was completed in 1995. During the 1970’s, the Swedish military came to realize that their anti-tank and anti-air regiments within the armored branch were substantially lacking in mobility and protection. Swedish; Artillery; Swedish Artillery. In the late 1970s, the fully motorized infantry brigade 77 was introduced, but half of the older infantry brigades and two of the armored brigades were disbanded. In 1943, the Directorate of Tank Design, under Sir Claude Gibb, C.B.E., F.R.S., was asked to produce a new design for a heavy cruiser tank under the General Staff designation A41. Regiments were the highest organized organic units in the Swedish Army from the time of Gustavus Adolphus on to the Second World War. Stages of the Swedish Armoured regiments, battalions, one of which is the airborne 31. with... 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